We have recently been experiencing inconsistent manganese levels at Well #3. The Public Works Department tests these levels three times each week and have had levels over the EPA recommended level for those over age of 55 and infants under 6 months. Currently, Public Works is working with the filter manufacturer and the project engineer under the direction of the WI DNR to determine the cause of this inconsistency and to find a solution. Until manganese levels are consistently under the EPA requirement of 300 PPB the fill station at the Village Office building (the vestibule of the food shelf at 320 S Brad St.) will re-open Monday-Friday 8 am to 9 pm. The fill station was tested 7/20/2022 and shows manganese at 21 PPB, well below the EPA standard. Water test kits are available at the Village Office. These kits are sent to Commercial Testing Labs and for $14 can test the levels of manganese in your drinking water. We will continue to provide updates via our quarterly newsletters, website and Facebook page
Original source can be found here.