Christopher Hurtubise, Director of Evangelization & Missionary Discipleship | Diocese of Superior website
Christopher Hurtubise, Director of Evangelization & Missionary Discipleship | Diocese of Superior website
Three adult retreat weekends were organized by the Diocese of Superior this winter. The events were coordinated by Loree Nauertz, associate director of the Office of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship.
"Once again, the retreats were well received. It is such a gift to see the men and women of our diocese, and beyond, come together with such a joyful desire to worship together and grow in their love for Christ," Nauertz said.
Christopher Hurtubise, director of the office, noted the impact of these gatherings: "The men's and women's retreats were filled with so many graces again this year. Over the course of these weekends, there is just a tidal wave of graces: so many deep, deep confessions. So much beautiful time with the Lord in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Such powerful preaching and teaching, leading the participants into a depth of prayer and lives of richer discipleship. So many connections with brothers or sisters from around the diocese and important relationships built or deepened. As we are finishing these retreats, we are already eager to provide the diocese with the gift of them again next year."
Attendance included more than 70 men in January and nearly 250 women over two weekends in February.
Information from this article can be found here.